
Showing posts from August, 2017

SOLE's Impact On Students

When I do presentations about SOLE, I spend a lot of time talking about the teachers. I talk about how easy the app is to use, the great lesson plan it creates, how simple it is, how it can improve their classroom culture, etc etc etc. I do this intentionally-- I know how hard teachers work, and I would never want them to use something that would make their lives harder. But if we’re being really honest, SOLE is all about the students.     The premise of SOLE is that students control their own learning-- that they learn how to self-direct, self-manage, and collaborate without a teacher holding their hand. It can be scary, for both the teacher and the student, but being overly comfortable never created dramatic change. And it can be a dramatic change.   Students who are bright but bored get to really push themselves. Students that struggle with traditional classrooms get a chance to try out something new. Students that always work alone get the experience of working with o